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Sweet Spirit

8% of blessings since 1950 included the promise of Sweet Spirit.

You were known to the Lord in the Spirit World for your sweet life and for the things you accomplished there. You shall have a good home, a home where the Angels of God can come because of your sweet personality as a loving mother and loving wife.

Dear Sister you were one of the sweet and obedient even one of the bright and intelligent spirits in the spirit world before this earth was organized. There will be those who will see you and love you feeling the inspiration of that sweet spirit which is manifest in your life.

Because of your sweetness and your devotion to the Lord, He sent you to earth that you might come to a good home and be taught the gospel of Jesus Christ. Keep yourself sweet and clean, upspotted from the sins of the world.

You have led a pleasing and concerned life thus far, and your sweet, humble spirit will bring much in the way of guidance and inspiration from our Father in Heaven.

I bless you that your sweet spirit will be radiated to all who know you.

These are special blessings on a special, sweet spirit, a special son of God.

I bless you that through your sweetness and your sweet heart you will be able to ascertain people's needs.

I bless you with a desired to honor your family by keeping pure and sweet at all times. You will become known among individuals as a sweet, kind and considerate person.

Your future wife is one of sweet spirit and one with whom you will share a great and everlasting love.

The sweet spirit you have will go with you in life as you receive the blessings of both heaven and earth.

The Lord has given you a sweet spirit.

You have within you a sweet spirit, one which is a spirit that can reach out and touch the lives of others.

You shall be guided and directed while here by the spirit which the Lord has placed in you. You shall feel the sweet influence of this spirit all the days of your life as you live in righteousness.

I bless you with a sweet spirit that you will be smiling and have a happy countenance.

Your children will be special, sweet spirits born to you. You will have the opportunities and privileges and blessings that await you as a sweet daughter of our Heavenly Father. Be kind; be the example always of kindness and sweetness.

I bless you to continue to have the kind and loving spirit which you now possess, and with ability to be a peacemaker wherever you are. I sense that that is one of the roles you play here in your own family.